OCA - Oakland Charter Academy
OCA stands for Oakland Charter Academy
Here you will find, what does OCA stand for in Non-Governmental Organization under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Oakland Charter Academy? Oakland Charter Academy can be abbreviated as OCA What does OCA stand for? OCA stands for Oakland Charter Academy. What does Oakland Charter Academy mean?Oakland Charter Academy is an expansion of OCA
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Alternative definitions of OCA
- Ocean Reef Club, Florida USA
- The Oregon Cattlemen's Association
- Orthodontic Centers of America, Inc.
- Oxford Capacity Analysis
- Offensive Counter Air
- Oceanic Control Area
- Originating Case Agency
- Originating Case Agency Number
View 96 other definitions of OCA on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- OCH Oakland Community Housing
- OCHM Oakland Community Housing Management
- OCO Oakland Community Organizations
- OEBS Oakland East Bay Symphony
- OEH Oakland Elizabeth House
- OHA Oakland Heritage Alliance
- OIGC Oakland Interfaith Gospel Choir
- OMLF Oakland Merchants Leadership Forum
- OPLP Oakland Parents Literacy Project
- OPIC Oakland Private Industry Council
- OPLPASSP Oakland Public Library - PASS! Program
- ORC Oakland Readers of California
- OSRCLC Oakland Scottish Rite Childhood Language Center
- OTF Oakland Teaching Fellows
- OTX-West Oakland Technology Exchange-West
- OUSDDRA Oakland Unified School District Department of Research and Assessment
- OUSDFYP Oakland Unified School District Foster Youth Program
- OVOTE Oakland VOTE
- OYCME Oakland Youth Chorus for Music Education
- O&A Oaks & Acorns